This year I have been very focused on living a more simplistic and minimalistic lifestyle. For me, that’s being grateful for the things I do have and living with less. Along with that, comes organizing my life to where everything is in one general area. These are obtainable ways to simplify your life. You canRead More
Inexpensive Things to do Over a Weekend
When I am home, I am most always thinking about my next trip or planning my trip. I try to save my money for traveling and experiences. I also know if I go out, I will want to purchase something else. The impulse control and my ADHD brain just freak me out. Here’s a listRead More
The Ultimate Guide: Planning A Trip
Planning a road trip or any other trip for me is one of my favorite parts. The downfall is sometimes I research it so much that I feel like I have already been on that trip. I have always loved to travel, and I want to see it all. I have always struggled with FOMORead More
Century of Progress Homes – 1933 Chicago Worlds Fair
Century of Progress Homes was a must see on my first big solo car camping trip. My only regret is that I didn’t leave sooner or stay in the area longer because the sun was setting when I got there. I chose to work so I didn’t leave until late afternoon. Peoria, IL to EurekaRead More
41 Lessons In 41 Years
I love doing these because it forces me to rethink things, and each year as I am growing and changing I see things differently. These past few years have been a lot of growing, relearning, and releasing things. Honestly, I had a lot of reservations about posting this because I have been struggling with myRead More
Fun & Unique Bucket List Ideas
I am obsessed with making lists rights now. I don’t know why and I can’t explain it. My favorite way to create lists is either the 101 Things to do in a 1001 Days or seasonal bucket lists. I will say when creating these lists make sure they are important and have meaning to doRead More
Friday 4 Favorites – June
Happy Friday!! Happy Summer!! June Friday Favorites is all about Summer! Summer is my favorite season out of the 4. I do not like being cold. I will rarely ever complain about it being too hot, and there is so much to do! I’m so excited for this summer. This spring was a little roughRead More
Favorite Cities for a Weekend Getaway
Weekend Trips are my favorite because I don’t have to take a lot of time off work (if any). Plus there are so many fun places nearby right now or a quick flight away. There are so many places in the United States that you can explore over a few days to relax or haveRead More
Ways to Use Empty Notebooks
I love notebooks. It’s either I have a million different ones or none at all. Currently, I have so many different notebooks and it’s exhausting. I also love making lists, and I will make a list on whatever is around me. Lists help with be more organized, boost productivity, etc. But they don’t always haveRead More
Four Friday Favorites – Latest Obsessions – May 2023
Another month. Another 4th Friday. So, another round of 4 Friday Favorites. This month it’s all about my latest obsessions. For the past few months I have been in a rut, I haven’t wanted to read. My writing hasn’t been as active as I wanted it to be. It has felt like I am justRead More