Another month. Another 4th Friday. So, another round of 4 Friday Favorites. This month it’s all about my latest obsessions. For the past few months I have been in a rut, I haven’t wanted to read. My writing hasn’t been as active as I wanted it to be. It has felt like I am just going through the motions.
If you have been around for a while (either on here or social media), you know that I am working on finding the right balance of meds to control my ADHD, Depression, and social anxiety. I went to my doctor and we are basically starting over because the amount I was taking was making a walking zombie. It was interesting because I had feelings but I didn’t express anything. For example, if I was upset about something I wouldn’t say I was upset, show I was upset, or really be upset. Normally, I am a GIANT CRY BABY but I don’t think I really cried until this month.
I am really excited for the next month and the rest of the year. I feel a new sense of balance and encouragement within myself. I really things are going to change and be different. But to recap May it is about my latest obsessions. These are things that I am absolutely in love with and can’t share, gift them to others, or recommend them enough.
My New Camera
I got the 4D camera off TikTok shop, and I can’t express how much I absolutely love this camera. The pictures are incredible. It’s video with a flip screen so I can see what it looks like as I’m filming. It came with 2 batteries. The best thing is the wifi to download the pictures to my phone and then to Dropbox to organize them.
Physical Books
Over the past few months, I have been going to free little libraries around where I live and where I am traveling. It wasn’t until I grabbed a copy of The Alchemist at the Biltmore Passage library that I knew I needed some books to also have as physical copies. I’m going to write a post soon of books that I will always have a copy of.
Over the past few months, I have also been in a major reading slump. The book that did it was Malibu Rising by Taylor Reid Jenkins. Plus Glow in the F’in Dark by Tara Schluster. I think binge-reading in January and February hit me hard. The girls who read all the time for the booktok and bookstagram I don’t know how they do it.
Atlas Obscura
Over the past few months, I have been traveling a lot back and forth to Iowa. I KNEW I didn’t want to take the same way there and back. Being able to know every single exit and knowing how much further I had was exhausting. Atlas Obscura is one of my favorite places to go when researching things to do in a town, but it never occurred to me to see if they had an app. OF COURSE, they do. I have been using it to explore in every city. The coolest thing at the moment was Snake Alley in Burlington, Iowa. It’s supposed to be crookiest street in the US. (yes, more than the one in SF. ) I went down a few times and had a blast because I was the only one there I took as long as I wanted.
Trip Planning
I have a big trip coming up this summer. I’m trying to finalize some things, but it’s so difficult because there are so many options. This trip is my first BIG solo trip. To say I’m excited is an understatement. I really hope that I can accomplish everything in the time frame. I have a few Google Maps saved with things to do and recommendations from people.
I also just love planning trips and little getaways in general. One of my goals this summer is to explore more of Illinois. I want to hike and see as much as possible. Illinois has so many amazing places that I never knew about, and such an underrated state to visit. I have been recommending Casey, IL to everyone because I love all the big things.